Other Green Hand thingamajigs
Michelle Souliere

Author talk with Joe R. Lansdale - "Born for Trouble" and more!
author event JoeRLansdale video
Michelle Souliere

Hi everyone! I had a great chat with Joe during our Zoom author talk this evening. If you missed the event, you can watch the video here. Enjoy! If you'd like to order a signed copy of Born for Trouble, you can do that from us here:
Gift certificates - How to purchase one!
Michelle Souliere

Greetings readers! I process all gift certificate orders manually in the shop. To purchase a gift certificate in the amount of your choice for use at the Green Hand Bookshop, if you are not able to come to the shop's Congress Street location, you can still do one of the following: 1. Call the shop at (207)253-6808 during regular business hours. I am usually here 11:00-6:00 Tues-Sat. I will take your credit card number over the phone and process the purchase for you. I can mail the gift certificate to you or the recipient for free, or the happy recipient...
Videos etc - What's the Green Hand Bookshop all about?
Michelle Souliere

You can find a number of little videos on our YouTube Channel! Some of them are about the shop in general, and some are about my favorite genres: mystery, horror, and SF/Fantasy. Enjoy! :) Plus there are some videos from when we had more space in the shop and would occasionally have live music and/or art shows on First Friday. Those days are gone (too many bookcases now!) but they were awfully fun while they lasted. :) Here are The Watchers playing at our 1-year anniversary party in November 2010: ...and again, The Watchers playing at the First...