Quantum Prose
Translated by Christopher Winks
LILA ZEMBORAIN is an Argentine poet and critic who has lived in New York City since 1985. She has published seven poetry books which have been compiled, together with two unpublished manuscripts, in Matrix Lux (Buenos Aires: Bajo la luna, 2019). It includes amongst others Ábrete sésamo debajo del agua and Usted (both published in Buenos Aires: Ultimo Reino), Guardianes del secreto (Buenos Aires: Tsé-Tsé, 2002; published in English as Guardians of the Secret, Las Cruces, New Mexico: Noemi Press, 2009), Malvas orquídeas del mar, Tsé-Tsé, 2004; published as Mauve Sea-Orchids, New York: Belladonna Books, 2007) and Rasgado (Tsé- Tsé, 2006). She is also the author of the chapbooks Ardores Buenos Aires, 1989) and Pampa (Belladonna Books, 2001). Lila Zemborain was the director and editor of the Rebel Road series (2001- 2007), and is the curator of the KJCC Poetry Series at New York University where she currently directs the MFA in Creative Writing in Spanish.
Soft Matter by Lila Zemborain
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Trade Paperback.
Translated by Christopher Winks
Foreword by Julio Espinosa Guerra
"This book of poems by Lila Zemborain offers a meditative space built around the number four, a tricky measurement of the brain that connects us symbolically with foundations, logic, reason, the material ground, and consequently the human and mortal in contraposition to the divine. The squares of which this book is composed resemble surfaces where thought is flattened and re-frained. However one can find invisible hinges that allow us to look inside our intellect and peek as far as sight can get, even though the borders of matter whisper in our ears that we cannot transcend; that we begin and end in a limited number of cells. We can look but how often do we see."
--Esther Giménez con G