Nightscript 7: An Anthology of Strange & Darksome Tales ed by C.M. Muller
Trade paperback format. Wonderfully spooky cover art is "Banshee" by Jana Heidersdorf!
An annual anthology of strange and darksome tales, which this year profiles the work of 19 contemporary scribes:
Feast Your Eyes on the Yawning Monotony of Humdrum Rot by Clint Smith
The Passing by Joshua Rex
When Sleep At Last by Douglas Thompson
The Summer King's Day by Timothy Granville
Roadkill by Elin Olausson
It Looked Like Her by Gordon Brown
Little Gods To Live In Them by David Surface
We Are the Gorillas by Douglas Ford
The Body Trick by Alexander James
Feed by Jason A. Wyckoff
'Neath The Mirror Of The Sea by Rhonda Eikamp
Clipped Wings by Steve Toase
The Cardboard Voice by Tim Major
The Validations by Ashley Stokes
A Perfect Doll by Regina Garza Mitchell
Madam and Yves by Marc Joan
The Delf by Danny Rhodes
Where the Oxen Turned the Plow by Charles Wilkinson
Feast of Fools: A Heartwarming Holiday Romance by LC von Hessen
"Weirdness with truth at its heart." —Des Lewis, Real-Time Reviews