Gods & Myths of Northern Europe by H.R. Ellis Davidson
Trade paperback format.
Table Of Contents
1 The Myth-Makers
2 The Sources of Our Knowledge
3 New Light on the Myths
1 The World of the Northern Gods
1 The Prose Edda
2 The Gods and Their World
3 Thor and the Giants
4 The Doom of the Gods
5 The Giants and the Dwarfs
6 Myths outside the Prose Edda
2 The Gods of Battle
1 Odin, Lord of Hosts
2 The Germanic War Gods
3 The Valkyries of Odin
4 The Berserks of Odin
5 The Worship of the War God
3 The Thunder God
1 Thor in the Myths
2 The Temples of Thor
3 The Hammer of Thor
4 The God of the Sky
5 Thor and His Adversaries
4 The Gods of Peace and Plenty
1 The Deity in the Wagon
2 Freyr, God of Plenty
3 Companions of Freyr
4 The Mother Goddess
5 The Goddess Freyja
6 The Power of the Vanir
5 The Gods of the Sea
1 Aegir and Ran
2 Njord, God of Ships
3 The Depths of the Sea
6 The Gods of the Dead
1 Odin and Mercury
2 Odin as a Shaman
3 The Realm of Odin
4 The Burial Mound
5 Thor and the Dead
6 The Dragon and the Dead
7 The Enigmatic Gods
1 Bragi and Idun
2 Mimir and Hoenir
3 The Twin Gods
4 Forseti
5 Heimdall
6 Loki
7 Balder
8 The Beginning and the End
1 The World Tree
2 The Creation of the World
3 The End of the World
Conclusion: The Passing of the Old Gods
Works of Reference
Names and Sources