Snowbound with Zombies: Tales of the Supernatural Inspired by the Life & Works of John Greenleaf Whittier ed by David Goudsward
Trade paperback. Includes a rare foray into fiction by myself (Michelle Souliere).
Snowbound with Zombies is a collection of 22 short supernatural stories inspired by the life and works of John Greenleaf Whittier. All proceeds benefit the Whittier Birthplace museum. Although primarily remembered for his poems celebrating rural life, Whittier also relished a good ghost story – his poetry includes tales of witchcraft, clairvoyance, deviltry, premonitions, and ghosts.
His first book was not of poetry, but a study of local superstitions, The Legends of New England, which includes retelling such tales as a schoolmarm whose murdered child briefly appears and drives her to confess, a demon fiddler who forces a party to dance until their legs wear down to bloody stumps, and various references to the Robert Burns poem "Tam o' Shanter" with its witches sabbath in a haunted church.
Stories in this collection include Whittier-inspired work from Samuel T. Pickard, John M. McIlveen, Peter Rawlik, Christopher Golden, Scott T. Goudsward, Morven Westfield, Celia Thaxter, Stuart Conover, W.H. Pugmire, Roxanne Dent, Ken Faig, Jr., Judi Calhoun, Tracy L. Carbone, K.H. Vaughan, Joseph A Citro, Kristi Petersen Schoonover, Karen Dent, Hannah Gonsman, David Bernard, Michelle Souliere, Gregory L. Norris, John G. Whittier, and Faye Ringel. Introduction by Tim Coco, Edited by David Goudsward.