Hidden Folk: Strange Stories by C.M. Muller
Trade paperback format.
C. M. Muller's debut collection, Hidden Folk, contains twelve previously published tales that first appeared in venues such as Shadows & Tall Trees, Supernatural Tales, and Weirdbook. We are thrilled he released this volume, and hope you will be well-pleased with its “strange and darksome” contents. Muller is best known as the editor of the stellar Nightscript anthology series (available elsewhere on this site).
“Remarkable…The best stories do a lot in a very short space.”
—Brian Evenson, author of A Collapse of Horses
“The writing here is so assured it’s hard to believe it’s a debut.”
—David Longhorn, editor of Supernatural Tales, on “Vrangr”
—Christopher Slatsky, author of Alectryomancer
“An excellent, enigmatic, and precise examination of the topography of the weird. Recommended!”
—Michael Kelly, editor of Year’s Best Weird Fiction
“An author of strange fiction to keep a close eye on.”
—Simon Strantzas, author of Nothing is Everything
“A landmark collection.”
—Des Lewis, Real-Time Reviews