Adventure of Gremlin by Dupre Jones ill by Edward Gorey
In this far-fetched fairy tale, a plucky little girl named Gremlin and her brother, Zeppelin, leave their childhood homea woodsmans cottage, of coursein the kingdom of Etaoin and set out to see the world. Clambering through an enchanted forest and navigating pirate-infested seas en route to the Royal Palace (where a drastic change of circumstance awaits), they encounter a host of quirky characters beyond anything the Brothers Grimm ever imagined.
Yes, there are knights (good and evil), a giant, and the requisite fairy godmother. But theres also an inn full of doom-and-gloom beatniks, a peevish wombat, a poet whose limericks probe the meaning of life, and a flightless parrot who spouts Latin. Anything but a fainthearted waif, Gremlin takes surprises and setbacks in stride, retaining her innocence and good humor all the while.
Illustrated by Edward Gorey