The Vertical Plane : The Mystery of the Dodleston Messages by Ken Webster - 2nd Ed
Trade Paperback.
The Mystery of the Dodleston Messages: A unique supernatural detective story.
For a period of two years in the 1980s, Ken Webster found himself in the extraordinary position of corresponding directly with an individual who said they had lived on the site of his own cottage four centuries earlier. The correspondence began with messages left on his home computer on the kitchen table, and ended with communications scrawled directly onto paper. Fully prepared for some form of elaborate hoax, Webster found to his consternation that the language of the messages tallied precisely with 16th century English usage.
The Vertical Plane is a riveting personal experience of an inexplicable fault in the fabric of time - and a moving account of a the.relationships mediated across four hundred years.
This is the Second Edition with additional material and further thoughts by the author, after thirty-six years. All involved in the experience are still, to this day, trying to make sense of what happened back in 1984.