Stalking the Healthful Herbs by Euell Gibbons
Trade paperback format. Highly recommended. I grew up with this book on my parents' bookshelves, along with Euell Gibbons' other guides. Every forager should have this on their shelf too!
Having written the enormously popular Stalking the Wild Asparagus and Stalking the Blue-Eyed Scallop, Euell Gibbons turned his attention to the wealth of herbs that grow wild throughout North America. Combining the skills he learned as a boy with native lore and his years of patient experimentation, he wrote this book that others might enjoy the benefits of our little-known natural heritage.
Euell Gibbons shows the reader how to enjoy the culinary and medicinal virtues of herbs and wild plants. Drawn from the author’s wide knowledge of plants as well as from the lore of Native Americans and early settlers, the information is supplemented by nutritionists at Pennsylvania State University who worked with Gibbons on analysis of the entries.