Blind Voices by Tom Reamy
Trade Paperback.
One hot summer day Haverstock's Traveling Curiosus and Wonder Show rolls into a small Kansas town, bringing with it both magic and terror.
When three teenage girls attend the carnival's first performance, they are awed by the monsters on display - a mermaid, a lusty Minotaur, a real-life Gorgon - and by the show's star attraction, Angel, a beautiful albino boy with wondrous powers. But behind it all is the sinister and enigmatic ringmaster, Haverstock. And soon the girls will find themselves drawn into his deadly world of freakish horror ...
Tom Reamy's only novel, published posthumously in 1978, Blind Voices was nominated for the Nebula, Hugo, and BFSA awards and has gone on to become an underground classic of horror and dark fantasy.
"How good is this book? It is breathtakingly good." - Harlan Ellison
"Not since Bradbury has a fantasy author so captured the dark heart of midwestern America." - Gregory Benford
"An atmosphere of horror amongst carnival surroundings comparable to that in Ray Bradbury's Something Wicked This Way Comes." - Pittsburgh Press
"A marvelous and engrossing story ... a frantically accelerating plot which races inevitably to a ghastly climax." - South Bend Tribune
Cover by Chris Roberts